Expat Families
Education For Expat FAMILIES
British/Arabic Schooling Across The Globe
If you take your children abroad during your foreign assignment, their new school will play a vital role in their brand-new life as expat kids. Instead of putting your child in an international school, the IMAS Online School offers a cost-effective unique alternative.
With ever-faster broadband speeds and ever-greater access, together with huge advances in technology in just a few years, online education is now a practical and effective path for your child’s development. What started as ‘distance learning’ now offers a host of benefits at a reasonable cost. Our approach offers the same features you’ll find in a traditional classroom in an international school:
Face-to-face teaching by a qualified and experienced
teacher focused on your child’s best interests
A quiet, disruption-free and safe environment
Direct feedback from the teacher on your child’s progress
Lessons designed and delivered based on
the British/Arabic curriculum
Access to a range of interactive IT systems that support learning
The opportunity for guided self-study with materials provided by a teacher
The opportunity to ask a teacher questions and seek clarification
for reinforcement
Monthly school reports sent home
Preparation for exams
Regular help and support from our Management Team